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Email *
Phone/Cellular Number *
Country of Citizenship *
Country of Residence (if different from citizenship) *
Status in Current Country of Residence *
Marital Status * Please choose an option Single/Never Married Married Common Law Legally Seperated Divorced Widowed Annulled
Highest Level of Education * Please choose an option Less than secondary Secondary One Year Diploma/Certificate Two Year Diploma/Certificate Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Ph.D. Two or more diplomas/degrees (one must be 3 or more years)
Canadian degree, Diploma or Certificate? * Please choose an option Yes No
English/French Test Results? * Please choose an option Yes No
Full-time/part-time work experience in the last 10 years in Canada * Please choose an option None or less than 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 or more years
Full-time work experience in the last 10 years abroad * Please choose an option None or less than 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 or more years Not sure
Any certificate from a Canadian province, territory or federal body? * Please choose an option Yes No
Any valid LMIA job offer? * Please choose an option Yes No
Do you have a PNP certificate? * Please choose an option Yes No
Any Canadian citizen or PR card holder blood relative, such as a brother, sister, aunt, uncle? * Please choose an option Yes No
Any dependent children? * Please choose an option Yes No
Do you have a CV/Resume that can be presented upon request? * Please choose an option Yes No
Have you been refused a visa by Canada, the USA, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, or Ireland? * Please choose an option Yes No